templates/authentication/sign_in.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'authentication/layout.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}
  3.     Digital T cards Systems are an effective tool to track and record various processes in any business. T-Card Software ease overall processes.
  4. {% endblock %}
  5. {% block body %}
  6.     <!--begin::Content-->
  7.     <div class="d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row-fluid py-10">
  8.         <!--begin::Content-->
  9.         <div class="d-flex flex-center flex-column flex-column-fluid">
  10.             <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  11.             <div class="w-lg-500px p-10 p-lg-15 mx-auto">
  12.                 <!--begin::Form-->
  13.                 <form class="form w-100" novalidate="novalidate" id="kt_sign_in_form" method="post" action="{{ path('app_login') }}">
  14.                     <!--begin::Heading-->
  15.                     <div class="text-center mb-10">
  16.                         <!--begin::Title-->
  17.                         <div class="brand-logos mb-10">
  18.                                    <img src="assets/media/logos/logo-1.png" class="img-fluid">
  19.                                    <img src="assets/media/logos/logo-2.png" class="img-fluid">
  20.                                </div>
  21.                         <h1 class="text-dark mb-3">
  22.                             {{ 'SIGN_IN_TO_TCARD'|trans }}
  23.                         </h1>
  24.                         <!--end::Title-->
  25.                         <!--begin::Link-->
  26.                         {# <div class="text-gray-400 fw-bold fs-4">
  27.                             {{ 'NEW_HERE'|trans }}?                           
  28.                             <a href="{{ path('app_register') }}" class="link-primary fw-bolder">
  29.                                 {{ 'CREATE_AN_ACCOUNT'|trans }}
  30.                             </a>
  31.                         </div> #}
  32.                     <!--end::Link-->
  33.                     </div>
  34.                     <!--begin::Heading-->
  35.                     <!--begin::Input group-->
  36.                     <div class="fv-row mb-10">
  37.                         <!--begin::Label-->
  38.                         <label class="form-label fs-6 fw-bolder text-dark">
  39.                             {{ 'EMAIL'|trans }}
  40.                         </label>
  41.                         <!--end::Label-->
  42.                         <!--begin::Input-->
  43.                         <input class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" placeholder="{{ 'EMAIL'|trans }}" type="text" name="email" autocomplete="off" />
  44.                     <!--end::Input-->
  45.                     </div>
  46.                     <!--end::Input group-->
  47.                     <!--begin::Input group-->
  48.                     <div class="fv-row mb-10">
  49.                         <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  50.                         <div class="d-flex flex-stack mb-2">
  51.                             <!--begin::Label-->
  52.                             <label class="form-label fw-bolder text-dark fs-6 mb-0">
  53.                                 {{ 'PASSWORD'|trans }}
  54.                             </label>
  55.                             <!--end::Label-->
  56.                             <!--begin::Link-->
  57.                             <a href="/reset-password" class="link-primary fs-6 fw-bolder">
  58.                                 {{ 'FORGOT_PASSWORD'|trans }} </a>
  59.                         <!--end::Link-->
  60.                         </div>
  61.                         <!--end::Wrapper-->
  62.                         <!--begin::Input-->
  63.                         <!--<input class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid" type="password" name="password" autocomplete="off" />-->
  64.                             <div class="position-relative mb-3"> <input class="form-control form-control-lg form-control-solid"  type="password" placeholder="{{ 'PASSWORD'|trans }}" name="password" id="inputPassword" autocomplete="off" />
  65.                             <span toggle="#inputPassword" class="btn btn-sm btn-icon position-absolute translate-middle top-50 end-0 me-n6 text-gray-400 toggle-password bi fs-2 bi-eye-slash" data-kt-password-meter-control="visibility"></span>
  66.                         </div>
  67.                     <!--end::Input-->
  68.                     </div>
  69.                     <!--end::Input group-->
  70.                     <!--begin::Actions-->
  71.                     <div class="text-center">
  72.                         <!--begin::Submit button-->
  73.                         <button type="submit" id="kt_sign_in_submit_" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary w-100 mb-5">
  74.                             <span class="indicator-label">
  75.                                {{ 'SIGN_IN'|trans }}                            
  76.                             </span>
  77.                             <span class="indicator-progress">{{ 'PLEASE_WAIT'|trans }}
  78.                                 <span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm align-middle ms-2"></span>
  79.                             </span>
  80.                         </button>
  81.                         <!--end::Submit button-->
  82.                         {% if error %}
  83.                             <!--begin::Alert-->
  84.                             <div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissible bg-light-danger d-flex flex-column flex-sm-row w-100 p-5 mb-10">
  85.                                 <!--begin::Icon-->
  86.                                 <span class="svg-icon svg-icon-3hx svg-icon-danger me-2">
  87.                                     <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
  88.                                         <rect opacity="0.3" x="2" y="2" width="20" height="20" rx="10" fill="currentColor"></rect>
  89.                                         <rect x="11" y="14" width="7" height="2" rx="1" transform="rotate(-90 11 14)" fill="currentColor"></rect>
  90.                                         <rect x="11" y="17" width="2" height="2" rx="1" transform="rotate(-90 11 17)" fill="currentColor"></rect>
  91.                                     </svg>
  92.                                 </span>
  93.                                 <!--end::Icon-->
  94.                                 <!--begin::Wrapper-->
  95.                                 {% if error.message == 'emailnotfound' %}
  96.                                     {% set error_head = 'INVALID_USR_MSG_HEAD'|trans %}
  97.                                     {% set error_message = 'INVALID_USR_MSG'|trans %}
  98.                                 {% elseif error.message == 'notuserverify' %}
  99.                                     {% set error_head = 'USER_NOT_VERIFIED_EMAIL_HEAD'|trans %}
  100.                                     {% set error_message = 'USER_NOT_VERIFIED_EMAIL'|trans %}
  101.                                 {% elseif error.message == 'notverify' %}
  102.                                     {% set error_head = 'ADMIN_NOT_APPROVED_REGISTRATION_HEAD'|trans %}
  103.                                     {% set error_message = 'ADMIN_NOT_APPROVED_REGISTRATION'|trans %}
  104.                                 {% elseif error.message == 'notactive' %}
  105.                                     {% set error_head = 'ADMIN_NOT_ACTIVATE_REGISTRATION_HEAD'|trans %}
  106.                                     {% set error_message = 'ADMIN_NOT_ACTIVATE_REGISTRATION'|trans %}
  107.                                 {% else %}
  108.                                     {% set error_head = 'INVALID_USR_MSG_HEAD'|trans %}
  109.                                     {% set error_message = 'INVALID_USR_MSG'|trans %}
  110.                                 {% endif %}
  111.                                 <div class="d-flex flex-column">
  112.                                     <!--begin::Title-->
  113.                                     <h4 class="mb-1 text-danger">
  114.                                         {{ error_head }}
  115.                                     </h4>
  116.                                     <!--end::Title-->
  117.                                     <!--begin::Content-->
  118.                                     <span>
  119.                                         {{ error_message }}
  120.                                     </span>
  121.                                 <!--end::Content-->
  122.                                 </div>
  123.                                 <!--end::Wrapper-->
  124.                                 <!--begin::Close-->
  125.                                 <button type="button" class="position-absolute position-sm-relative m-2 m-sm-0 top-0 end-0 btn btn-icon ms-sm-auto" data-bs-dismiss="alert">
  126.                                     <i class="bi bi-x fs-1 text-danger"></i>
  127.                                 </button>
  128.                             <!--end::Close-->
  129.                             </div>
  130.                         <!--end::Alert-->
  131.                         {% endif %}
  132.                         <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token('authenticate') }}" />
  133.                     </div>
  134.                 <!--end::Actions-->
  135.                 </form>
  136.             <!--end::Form-->
  137.             </div>
  138.         <!--end::Wrapper-->
  139.         </div>
  140.         <!--end::Content-->
  141.         <!--begin::Footer-->
  142.         <div class="d-flex flex-center flex-wrap fs-6 p-5 pb-0">
  143.             <!--begin::Links-->
  144.             <div class="d-flex flex-center fw-bold fs-6">
  145.                 <!--<a href="https://keenthemes.com" class="text-muted text-hover-primary px-2" target="_blank">About</a>-->
  146.                 <p>
  147.                     {{ 'POWERED_BY'|trans }}
  148.                     <a class="text-muted text-hover-primary px-2" target="_blank" href="https://www.leantransitionsolutions.com">
  149.                         {{ 'LTS'|trans }}
  150.                     </a>
  151.                     <a href="https://www.leantransitionsolutions.com/">
  152.                         <img src="assets/images/lts_logo-new-footer.png" height="20"></a>
  153.                     </p>
  154.                 </div>
  155.             <!--end::Links-->
  156.             </div>
  157.         <!--end::Footer-->
  158.         </div>
  159.     <!--end::Content-->
  160.     {% endblock %}
  161.     {% block stylesheets %}{% endblock %}
  162.     {% block modal %}{% endblock %}
  163.     {% block underscore %}{% endblock %}
  164.     {% block javascripts %}
  165.         {# <script src="assets/js/custom/authentication/sign-in/general.js"></script> #}
  166.         <script>
  167.     // var hasError = '{{ error ? 1 : 0 }}';
  168.     $( document ).on('click', '.toggle-password',function() {
  169.         $(this).toggleClass("bi-eye bi-eye-slash");
  170.         var input = $($(this).attr("toggle"));
  171.         if (input.attr("type") == "password") {
  172.             input.attr("type", "text");
  173.         } else {
  174.             input.attr("type", "password");
  175.         }
  176.     });
  177.     /**
  178.     * Login error
  179.     */
  180. //    if(hasError === '1'){
  181. //        Swal.fire({text:"Sorry, looks like there are some errors detected, please try again.",icon:"error",buttonsStyling:!1,confirmButtonText:"Ok, got it!",customClass:{confirmButton:"btn btn-primary" }})
  182. //    }
  183. </script>
  184.     {% endblock %}